容器 1564.png__PID:0e9b840d-85b6-4b96-a57d-822512c148e9

Know a little more about Matter.

Using Matter for SwitchBot products allows you to simultaneously connect SwitchBot devices and even third-party IR appliances to different platforms, such as Apple Home, Google Home, Amazon Alexa, Home Assistant, SmartThings, and more. Easily achieving a seamless experience between different third-party platforms based on Matter standards.

组 644.png__PID:bb96e57d-8225-42c1-88e9-e300d8658d4e

Matter Bridge

Whether it's SwitchBot Bluetooth devices or infrared devices like air conditioners and TVs, all can be supported using Matter using our SwitchBot Matter Bridge, allowing you to control them freely in Apple Home.

容器 1640@3x.png__PID:e6447983-a25b-424f-a3c6-2dd5c25bdbc9容器 1648@3x.png__PID:424fe3c6-2dd5-425b-9bc9-af754632d8c5容器 1641@3x (1).png__PID:c25bdbc9-af75-4632-98c5-5ae14a83fd7c
容器 1622@3x.png__PID:b6f9eaf4-fd73-445e-8470-c8e2dde31b58
容器 1623@3x (1).png__PID:f9eaf4fd-7354-4e44-b0c8-e2dde31b587e
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Support for Matter varies across platforms, features may vary.

Currently IR appliances can only support Matter via Hub 2, Hub Mini Matter Enabled.

Matter Over Wi-Fi

And there's great news, SwitchBot S10, K10+ Pro Combo, Air Purifier, and other Wi-Fi products support Matter natively without needing a Hub.

容器 1645@4x.png__PID:f6008aa4-0577-414c-90d4-48fd1a40dc6d
容器 1641@3x (1).png__PID:4a83fd7c-9924-4ffa-94df-c13308f6008a
容器 1634@3x.png__PID:011eea3f-3286-4bbb-adf6-d91f0bff945d

Support for Matter varies across platforms, features may vary.

Which Hub suits you best?

容器 1354.webp__PID:4b110e63-f60f-4c3c-ad74-e5fc3a7d115b

More info regarding Matter support.

Matter Bridge  

Device TypeDevice NameCurrent Supported Functionality
Hub Hub Mini (Matter Enabled)Learn Infrared Devices
HubHub 2Temperature Detection1
Humidity Monitoring1
Touch Buttons2
Learn Infrared Devices

1. Temperature and humidity readings will be synced as a sub-device when using.
2. Touch Buttons currently can only be used via Apple Home.
HubRelay Switch 1Available Soon
HubRelay Switch 1PMAvailable Soon

Matter Over Bluetooth(Hub Mini Matter Enabled or Hub 2 Required)  

Device TypeDevice NameCurrent Supported Functionality
Home Automation BotOn/Off
Home AutomationCurtain 

Curtain 3
Fully open
Fully closed

Please note: If you group devices using our app,
only one sub-device will be used per group when migrating.
Home AutomationBlind TiltAll On/Off
Adjust Level Up/Down

 Please note: If you group devices using our app,
only one sub-device will be used per group when migrating.
Home AutomationRoller ShadeAvailable Soon
Home AutomationUniversal RemoteFour Buttons

*Currently only supported via Apple Home.
Robot Vacuum
K10+ Pro
ON: Start CleaningOFF: Finish Cleaning
Sikkerhed Lock
Lock Pro
Lighting Color Bulb
LED Strip Light
Power & Switch Plug Mini(US)
Plug Mini(US)
HomeKit Enabled

Power & SwitchRemote ControlDual Buttons

*Currently only supported via Apple Home.
Sensor Meter
Meter Plus
Outdoor Meter
Temperature DetectionHumidity Monitoring

Please note: Devices that monitor both temperature and humidity will only occupy 1 sub-device.
SensorMotion SensorCheck Movement
SensorContact SensorCheck Status
Check Movement

Please note: This will only use up 1 sub-device.
Household Evaporative Humidifier
Battery Circulator Fan
HouseholdAir Purifier
Air Purifier Table
Available Soon
IR Appliances Air ConditionerOn/Off
Set temperature
IR AppliancesFan
TVs, DVD Players, and other IR devices 

Matter Over Wi-Fi  

Device TypeDevice NameCurrent Supported Functionality
Robot Vacuum S10
K10+ Pro Combo
Apple Home does not currently support the robot vacuum category.
Household Air Purifier
Air Purifier Table
Available Soon

Looking to find out how to use Matter with SwitchBot devices?