Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Alexander Loewe
basically everything is perfect

Great shop, great discounts, fast shipping, great devices, great APP…but Matter still needs improvements with Homekit, sometimes there are delays and Apple-Home-APP reports unreachable devices

Isabel Perez
Love it! it pass everywhere..

and keep all the level 2 of my house clean. for the bathrooms i prefer to stronger power, for the rest of the rooms normal power is ok. also kids are getting use to have their floors ready to be clean

Joaquim graffeille

SwitchBot Mini Robot Vacuum K10+ Pro

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Alexander Loewe
basically everything is perfect

Great shop, great discounts, fast shipping, great devices, great APP…but Matter still needs improvements with Homekit, sometimes there are delays and Apple-Home-APP reports unreachable devices

Isabel Perez
Love it! it pass everywhere..

and keep all the level 2 of my house clean. for the bathrooms i prefer to stronger power, for the rest of the rooms normal power is ok. also kids are getting use to have their floors ready to be clean

Joaquim graffeille

SwitchBot Mini Robot Vacuum K10+ Pro

SwitchBot Hub 2

A 4-in-1 Hub
that Matters.

S10 (3).jpg__PID:50a74319-a786-4cf2-afbb-503a1ae80cdaLock Pro (2).jpg__PID:4319a786-5cf2-4fbb-903a-1ae80cda81dd

SwitchBot S10

A completely automated

floor cleaning robot with an

automatic water refill station.

容器 2212@3x.png__PID:cf0ec4c3-dde2-4f95-9493-c6a181b25869

Greater corner coverage,
even greater power.

S10 (1).jpg__PID:a74319a7-865c-42af-bb50-3a1ae80cda81Lock Pro (1).jpg__PID:19a7865c-f2af-4b50-ba1a-e80cda81dd6c

SwitchBot S10

A completely automated

floor cleaning robot with an


automatic water refill station.

Buy NowLearn More
容器 2212@3x.png__PID:cf0ec4c3-dde2-4f95-9493-c6a181b25869

Greater corner coverage,
even greater power.

SwitchBot S10

A completely automated

floor cleaning robot with an automatic
water refill station.

Father‘s Day Special

Buy a S10, get a FREE 4-bottle pack of Cleaning Solution. 

Now €799.99  Was €1,099.99

Buy NowLearn More

SwitchBot Curtain 3

A better smart
curtain solution.

Buy NowLearn More

SwitchBot Hub 2

A 4-in-1 Hub
that Matters.

Buy NowLearn More

Narrow and low areas accumulate dust for a long time, and most vacuum cleaners aren't able to enter these areas for cleaning. And well, that's where SwitchBot K10+ Pro comes in...

Narrow and low areas accumulate dust for a long time, and most vacuum cleaners aren't able to enter these areas for cleaning. And well, that's where SwitchBot K10+ Pro comes in...

Mini in size, huge when it comes to power.

Mini in size, huge when it comes to power.


Spatial Perception.
Now Pro.

Features a PSD sensor to help
bypass table and chair legs.


Noise control?
Yup, Pro.

Quiet when cleaning to prevent


Always Pro.

You'll only need to take out the
trash four times a year.


Prevents Tangles.
Yup, still Pro.

Perfect for homes with pets.

容器 1429@3x.png__PID:76afee0a-36e7-4eae-bb1f-61707dd2171c

Palm-sized to make sure even
narrow areas can be cleaned.

Palm-sized to make sure even narrow areas can be cleaned.

Even areas with a lot of furniture that can be difficult to clean, such as restaurants, study rooms, bedrooms, and living rooms, are all perfect SwitchBot K10+ Pro.

Even areas with a lot of furniture that can be difficult to clean, such as restaurants, study rooms, bedrooms, and living rooms, are all perfect SwitchBot K10+ Pro.

尺寸@3x (1).png__PID:a53f3a53-23f1-4ef9-988e-0ff3d55f6003容器 2324@3x.png__PID:ceae7b1f-6170-4dd2-971c-6be3f48da611
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容器 2325@3x.png__PID:61707dd2-171c-4be3-b48d-a611613e1576
容器 489@3x.png__PID:23f1cef9-988e-4ff3-955f-6003f2f7e8e3
容器 488@3x.png__PID:5323f1ce-f998-4e0f-b3d5-5f6003f2f7e8
容器 487@3x.png__PID:3a5323f1-cef9-488e-8ff3-d55f6003f2f7

Reaches even the lowest of areas
for a better clean.

Reaches even the lowest of areas for a better clean.

1cm shorter than any other robot vacuum on the market, K10+ Pro can
also scan low areas such as under sofas, beds, TV cabinets, and shelves!

1cm shorter than any other robot vacuum on the market, K10+ Pro can also scan low areas such as under sofas, beds, TV cabinets, and shelves!

容器 2239@3x.png__PID:f9988e0f-f3d5-4f60-83f2-f7e8e3fd4b47
容器 489@3x (2).png__PID:f3d55f60-03f2-47e8-a3fd-4b474d8a9dd4
容器 487@3x (1).png__PID:8e0ff3d5-5f60-43f2-b7e8-e3fd4b474d8a
容器 488@3x (1).png__PID:0ff3d55f-6003-42f7-a8e3-fd4b474d8a9d
容器 1687@3x.png__PID:f48da611-613e-4576-92c9-4e6592ecdd60容器 2214@3x (2).png__PID:d2c94e65-92ec-4d60-a0ba-c4a85adb497f容器 2324@3x (2).png__PID:3e1576d2-c94e-4592-acdd-6020bac4a85a容器 2325@3x (1).png__PID:613e1576-d2c9-4e65-92ec-dd6020bac4a8

SwitchBot お掃除ロボット S10

Snug, right to the edge.

With K10+ Pro, edge cleaning is even easier than ever. You can even
sweep the gaps between the corners of walls, tables, and chair legs too.

With K10+ Pro, edge cleaning is even easier than ever. You can even sweep the gaps between the corners of walls, tables, and chair legs too.

容器 489@3x (3).png__PID:e3fd4b47-4d8a-4dd4-a8e0-c0eb79f5ead3
容器 488@3x (2).png__PID:e8e3fd4b-474d-4a9d-9428-e0c0eb79f5ea
容器 487@3x (2).png__PID:f7e8e3fd-4b47-4d8a-9dd4-28e0c0eb79f5
容器 2214@3x (3).png__PID:6020bac4-a85a-4b49-bff9-07755a270222
容器 2324@3x (3).png__PID:dd6020ba-c4a8-4adb-897f-f907755a2702
容器 2325@3x (2).png__PID:5a270222-eee3-417f-96f3-648d5de7d9d4

Now smarter, stopping unwanted
knocks and bumps.

Now smarter, stopping unwanted knocks and bumps.

Our 360º Spatial Navigation with Lateral PSD Edge Sensor enables K10+ Pro
to better understand your home when it comes to vacuuming and cleaning.

Our 360º Spatial Navigation with Lateral PSD Edge Sensor enables K10+ Pro to better understand your home when it comes to vacuuming and cleaning.

容器@3x (1).png__PID:9dd428e0-c0eb-49f5-aad3-332e29194300
容器 1@3x.png__PID:8a9dd428-e0c0-4b79-b5ea-d3332e291943

SwitchBot お掃除ロボット S10

容器 1661@3x.png__PID:5b1d70e2-3154-4e98-a30b-ee1df33320c6
容器 2329@3x.png__PID:f29f5bb4-b243-42e5-a780-e3d95fc41eea
容器 2330@3x.png__PID:d6f29f5b-b4b2-4312-a5e7-80e3d95fc41e

SwitchBot お掃除ロボット S10

SwitchBot お掃除ロボット S10

Stores waste for longer.

K10+ Pro uses a large 4L dust bag in its base station. Even bigger when
compared to other flagship robot vacuums, meaning you'll only have to take
out the trash four times a year.

K10+ Pro uses a large 4L dust bag in its base station. Even bigger when compared to other flagship robot vacuums, meaning you'll only have to take out the trash four times a year.

容器 2230@3x (4).png__PID:9526ab8a-4c5e-4dd1-a6d9-e52af076b0a4容器 1661@3x (2).png__PID:5a352883-be58-4aba-8801-45bef1fbd07f

Sucks up hair, cat litter,
and all kinds of dust.

组 1600@3x (1).png__PID:15b7b076-7ee4-4f29-9e04-86eb4ed6839b

Sucks up hair, cat litter,
and all kinds of dust.

组 1600@1.5x.png__PID:dd936d57-43e0-45cd-a328-71d754a604a5

Sucks up hair, cat litter,and all kinds of dust.

组 1596@3x.png__PID:a1d6613d-bd59-48b9-a23d-d6f480fb2290

Use with Apple Home via Matter
thanks to SwitchBot Hub 2.

Use with Apple Home via Matter thanks to SwitchBot Hub 2.

容器 1661@3x (5).png__PID:86431912-7b0d-42db-8df8-81c55a98f6f6
容器 2230@2x.png__PID:427c07b0-9afb-47a9-8316-2dd24f1daf7e

Part of SwitchBot Ecosystem

When you leave home, SwitchBot devices can work seamlessly with one
another for a completely automated smart home experience.

When you leave home, SwitchBot devices can work seamlessly with one another for a completely automated smart home experience.

单图-通栏@2x.webp__PID:3b2ec7de-bf5e-470f-a49a-0e617ebf1cc7容器 2214@1.5x.png__PID:07b09afb-b7a9-4316-add2-4f1daf7e6309

Pick a robot vacuum that suits you best.


SwitchBot K10+ Pro



SwitchBot K10+


pro@3x (2).png__PID:9a47bfa8-a655-4259-bbb2-9024f7a1d7b0
pro@3x (3).png__PID:af9a47bf-a8a6-45b2-993b-b29024f7a1d7
容器 1335@3x.png__PID:82ae5021-9257-48f7-98da-5f524208d4be
容器 1471@3x.png__PID:fa82ae50-2192-4768-b7d8-da5f524208d4

SwitchBot お掃除ロボット S10

Frequently Asked Questions

SwitchBot お掃除ロボット S10