[[ storageStepObj.currentStep === 'register' ? 'Register' : 'Forgot Password' ]]

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Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
Wonderlabs. Inc (hereinafter referred to as "we" or "us") respect and protect the personal information of all users. We will collect and use the information generated during your use of our products or services (including smart home products, accessories, computer applications, smart terminal applications, toolkits, websites, information storage platforms and related services) or provided by you on your own initiative in a lawful, proper and necessary way.\nPlease take a moment to read this privacy policy carefully before using our products or services, so that you can fully understand how we will collect, use, save, share and transfer your personal information, as well as the ways we provide you to access, update, delete and protect this information.
Please fully read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
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[[ registerChooseType === 'email' ? 'Would you like to sign in with this email address?' : 'Would you like to sign in with this mobile number?' ]]
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