SwitchBot Pan/Tilt Cam Plus 3K

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Monitor home life, now in 3K.

Monitor home life, now in 3K.

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We believe things look better in 3K. And now, with multiple viewing options, better AI detection, auto-tracking, alerts and more.
You'll find yourself left with a clearer kind of protection that really gives peace of mind when you aren't around.

We believe things look better in 3K. And now, with multiple viewing options, better AI detection, auto-tracking, alerts and more. You'll find yourself left with a clearer kind of protection that really gives peace of mind when you aren't around.

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All in 3K.

Every detail, crisp and clear.


Every detail, crisp and clear.

Our lens has been significantly upgraded to help make images more vivid and clear. Allowing you to monitor children and pets, as well as every corner of your room, all in hi-definition.


Let there be light.

Compared to f2.0 aperture lenses, our f1.6 aperture lens helps improve light intake by up to 50%, to help make images brighter and clearer.


940nm infrared lighting.

Since 940nm infrared rays are invisible to the naked eye, there are no issues such as eye reddening within images or sleeplessness due to the glare of infrared lights when using.

* Data comes from in-house testing, 2022.

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Clear color vision, both day and night.

By incorporating a high-sensitivity sensor and using a f1.6 aperture lens to help capture more light, clear color monitoring is possible
even in darker areas with little to no lighting.

By incorporating a high-sensitivity sensor and using a f1.6 aperture lens to help capture more light, clear color monitoring is possible even in darker areas with little to no lighting.

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The infrared lighting used in our Night Vision Mode is also invisible to the naked eye, so there are
no problems such as images turning red or the infrared light being too bright to sleep.

The infrared lighting used in our Night Vision Mode is also invisible to the naked eye, so there are no problems such as images turning red or the infrared light being too bright to sleep.

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Smarter with SwitchBot Ecosystem.

Monitor to help make home life more comfortable.

Link your camera to SwitchBot Hub 2 to monitor temperature and humidity along with video straight from your smartphone. Perfect for checking up on family members and pets to prevent unwanted incidents and enables you adjust your air conditioner to maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity at all times.

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Fully automated monitoring.

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Automatic preset point tracking.

When used in conjunction with SwitchBot bewegingssensor, your Pan/Tilt Cam Plus 3K can automatically activate and start recording when it detects movement. (SwitchBot Hub required.)

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Helps make home more secure.

When used with SwitchBot Vergrendelen Pro and Contact Sensor, Pan/Tilt Cam Plus 3K can be set to automatically start recording when it detects that you are leaving your home and even turn off your camera when you return.

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Use voice commands to help make life more intuitive.

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Just use your voice to check up on specific areas.

You can also check on people or pets at home using Echo Show! Just say "Alexa, show me the living room." to your Echo Show to view what's happening in other rooms, great for checking up on children or pets.

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Voice activated Privacy Masking.

Just say, "Alexa, turn on Privacy Mode," and your camera lens will automatically rotate inside itself for a more tangible sense of privacy.

We take care of it.

Privacy Mask helps give you more peace of mind when in use as you're able to see that the camera lens is physically covered. All data is AES-128 encrypted and uploaded to the cloud allowing you to check your recordings anytime, anywhere.

We take care of it.

Privacy Mask helps give you more peace of mind when in use as you're able to see that the camera lens is physically covered. All data is AES-128 encrypted and uploaded to the cloud allowing you to check your recordings anytime, anywhere.

Watch over children and pets with ease.

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No matter how far away from home you are,
everything is just a click away.


Use 4-Way Split-Screens to check multiple
areas at once.

With our multi-view function, the screens of cameras installed other areas can be shown on a single
screen to give you a better idea of what's going on at home with just a glance.

With our multi-view function, the screens of cameras installed other areas can be shown on a single screen to give you a better idea of what's going on at home with just a glance.

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Automatic tracking with AI

Automatic tracking and motion detection allows you to quickly see what is happening indoors and can notify you quickly when something abnormal happens. Our upgraded automatic tracking system can now also track vertically.

Automatic tracking with AI detection.

Automatic tracking and motion detection allows you to quickly see what is happening indoors and can notify you quickly when something abnormal happens. Our upgraded automatic tracking system can now also track vertically.


Helps you stay alert at all times.

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Detects movement.

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Notifies you when something happens via app notifications and emails.

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Sends out alarm warnings straight from your device.

Free 30 day trial!
Open your SwitchBot Cloud Storage and experience advanced AI features.

AI Pet Detection
AI Pet Detection

AI Pet Detection

Your cameras will automatically identify your pets and send you notifications, allowing you to keep an eye on them even when you're away from home.

AI Vehicle Detection

AI Vehicle Detection

Receive instant alerts when your camera detects a car returning from the garage, and conveniently view the event playback directly on your phone.

AI Vehicle Detection

Helps you stay alert at all times.

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Detects movement.

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Notifies you when something happens via app notifications and emails.

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Sends out alarm warnings straight from your device.

Use with Auto Cruise.

When Auto Cruise is turned on, your lens automatically rotates to monitor in all directions.

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Choose how to store video.

Supports both local SD card and cloud based automatic storage, allowing you to freely choose a storage method that suits you. Pan/Tilt Cam Pllus 3K also supports SD cards up to 256GB with continuous recording for up to 42 days. Cloud storage can also store up to 30 days of video recording, which can be viewed anytime, anywhere on your phone.

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We help keep recorded footage safe.

Recorded videos and photos are saved only to our app, or the SD card you use to help protect privacy.
AES-encrypted video data is transferred over an encrypted TLS channel. With our cloud system using GDPR and CCPA storage certification.*

*Please check our app's FAQ for more information regarding our privacy policy.

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Home Sharing

Images from your Pan/Tilt Cam Plus 3K can be shared with members registered in your home via our app.

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Placed it anywhere, at any angle.

Pan/Tilt Cam 3K is equipped with a non-slip rubber pad and comes with a mounting base, so it can be used either stationary or suspended upside down from your ceiling.

Place it anywhere, at any angle.

Pan/Tilt Cam Plus 3K is equipped with a non-slip rubber pad and comes with a mounting base, so it can
be used either stationary or suspended upside down from your ceiling.


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SwitchBot Camera Spec Comparison

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