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Meter Pro CO2_Global_Amazon A+_600x450_01_M (2).jpg__PID:024c5429-31c0-4e95-abef-2e515aa7643c

Advanced monitoring, effortless control.

Advanced monitoring,
effortless control.

Meter Pro CO2_Global_Amazon A+_600x450_02_2_M.jpg__PID:1a37c5b7-6ac6-425d-bda4-42cc5e4e6bba
Meter Pro CO2_Global_Amazon A+_600x450_02_1_M (1).jpg__PID:22fb09bb-e46f-401d-b550-c05839b6c005
Meter Pro CO2_Global_Amazon A+_600x450_02_3_M.jpg__PID:e41a37c5-b76a-4632-9dbd-a442cc5e4e6b
Meter Pro CO2_Global_Amazon A+_600x450_02_4_M.jpg__PID:86e41a37-c5b7-4ac6-b25d-bda442cc5e4e

Check temperature difference indoors and outdoors.

Check temperature difference indoors and outdoors.

Supports temperature and humidity data display from a Meter Series device.

容器 2569@2x.png__PID:501ede60-636a-4d8b-9150-5bb7b0399d56容器 2570@3x (1).png__PID:1c4c8542-4b72-4999-8748-993e8b7ad00d
容器 2228@2x.png__PID:2192093e-033f-4654-8252-4ab44715c106

12hr weather forecast data.*

Displays local outdoor temperature & humidity as well as weather forecast icons, helping you plan trips outside in advance.

*SwitchBot Hub required.

容器 2228@2x (1).png__PID:093e033f-e654-4252-8ab4-4715c1062386

Voice command compatible.*

Supports Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri Shortcuts, IFTTT, and SmartThings.

*SwitchBot Hub required.

容器 2572@3x.png__PID:09fba368-8bf6-4ba3-8fa8-16f44d7a6d69

Part of SwitchBot ecosystem.

Set up Automation using our app to enable SwitchBot products to work together seamlessly.

With A SwitchBot Hub, exceeding CO2 levels can automatically activate your Evaporative Humidifier for enhanced ventilation..

12hr weather forecast data.*

Displays local outdoor temperature & humidity as well as weather forecast icons, helping you plan trips outside in advance.

容器 2228@2x.png__PID:2192093e-033f-4654-8252-4ab44715c106

*SwitchBot Hub required.

Voice command compatible.*

Supports Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri Shortcuts, IFTTT, and SmartThings.

容器 2228@2x (1).png__PID:093e033f-e654-4252-8ab4-4715c1062386

*SwitchBot Hub required.

Part of SwitchBot ecosystem.

Set up Automation using our app to enable SwitchBot products to work together seamlessly. With A SwitchBot Hub, exceeding CO2 levels can automatically activate your Evaporative Humidifier for enhanced ventilation.  

容器 2572@3x.png__PID:09fba368-8bf6-4ba3-8fa8-16f44d7a6d69

Durable and easy to use.

Meter Pro CO2_Global_Amazon A+_1464x600_04_1_PC (1).jpg__PID:4ab44715-c106-4386-a41a-37c5b76ac632

Large clear LCD display.

Our largest screen to date allows you to easily read different data from any angle and distance.

Meter Pro CO2_Global_Amazon A+_1464x600_04_2_PC (1).jpg__PID:524ab447-15c1-4623-86e4-1a37c5b76ac6

One button, total control.

Just press once on your device button to refresh data, mute, and switch between Fahrenheit/Celsius.

Meter Pro CO2_Global_Amazon A+_1464x600_04_3_PC.jpg__PID:5402524a-b447-45c1-8623-86e41a37c5b7

Data storage and export.

Supports 38 days local storage and 2 years app storage. Export data with one click via our app.

Meter Pro CO2_Global_Amazon A+_1464x600_04_4_PC.jpg__PID:e6540252-4ab4-4715-8106-2386e41a37c5

Adjustable placement choices.

Comes with a wall mount and adjustable bracket. Can be hung or placed upright at 42° or 90°. Making it convenient for you to place around home.

Meter Pro CO2_Global_Amazon A+_1464x600_04_4_PC.jpg__PID:e6540252-4ab4-4715-8106-2386e41a37c5

Adjustable placement choices.

Comes with a wall mount and adjustable bracket. Can be hung or placed upright at 42° or 90°. Making it convenient for you to place around home.

Meter Pro CO2_Global_Amazon A+_1464x600_04_3_PC.jpg__PID:5402524a-b447-45c1-8623-86e41a37c5b7

Data storage and export.

Supports 38 days local storage and 2 years app storage.
Export data with one click via our app.

Meter Pro CO2_Global_Amazon A+_1464x600_04_2_PC (1).jpg__PID:524ab447-15c1-4623-86e4-1a37c5b76ac6

One button, total control.

Just press once on your device button to refresh data, mute,
and switch between Fahrenheit/Celsius.

Meter Pro CO2_Global_Amazon A+_1464x600_04_1_PC (1).jpg__PID:4ab44715-c106-4386-a41a-37c5b76ac632

Large clear LCD display.

Our largest screen to date allows you to easily read different data
from any angle and distance.

Designed to fit in.

容器 2473@3x (8).png__PID:ba6c1119-e680-4ba8-93de-9c387b5bc93e


容器 2473@3x (9).png__PID:d3ba6c11-19e6-409b-a813-de9c387b5bc9

Living Rooms

容器 2473@3x (10).png__PID:11d3ba6c-1119-4680-9ba8-13de9c387b5b


容器 2473@3x (11).png__PID:5c11d3ba-6c11-49e6-809b-a813de9c387b

Nusery Rooms

容器 2473@3x (12).png__PID:065c11d3-ba6c-4119-a680-9ba813de9c38


容器 2473@3x (13).png__PID:60065c11-d3ba-4c11-99e6-809ba813de9c


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SwitchBot お掃除ロボット S10

SwitchBot お掃除ロボット S10

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